Workout For Abs: Straight Leg Sit Ups

Are you looking to sculpt a strong and defined core that turns heads and boosts your confidence? Picture this: lying flat on your back, legs extended straight out in front of you, engaging every fiber of your core as you rise up to meet your thighs.

Dive into the world of straight leg sit-ups – a dynamic exercise that hones in on your abdominal muscles with precision and power. As you embark on this challenging yet gratifying journey, you’ll not only build a rock-solid midsection but also unlock a realm of benefits that extend far beyond just aesthetics. Join me as we delve into the realm of straight leg sit-ups and discover the key to unlocking a core of steel and a body brimming with vitality.

Key Takeaways

  • Straight leg sit-ups target the abdominal muscles and hip flexors more intensely compared to standard bent-leg sit-ups, making them effective for building core strength and shaping the midsection.

  • Performing straight leg sit-ups involves lying on your back with legs extended straight out in front, engaging your core muscles, and lifting your torso towards your thighs using the strength of your core.

  • Some benefits of straight leg sit-ups include improved core strength, enhanced abdominal definition, increased flexibility in the hip flexors, better postural support, and enhanced functional fitness for various physical activities.

  • Engaging in a regular straight leg sit-ups routine can lead to strengthened deep core muscles such as the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques, resulting in improved stability, balance, and posture.

  • While straight leg sit-ups can contribute to abdominal definition, it’s crucial to supplement with a healthy diet and overall body exercises as spot reduction is not possible, and overall body fitness plays a significant role in achieving visible abs.

What is Straight Leg Sit Ups?

Straight leg sit-ups involve keeping your legs extended straight out in front of you on the ground while performing a sit-up motion. This variation of sit-ups targets the abdominal muscles and hip flexors more intensely compared to standard bent-leg sit-ups. The straight leg sit-ups’ position increases the difficulty of the exercise and can help engage the lower abs effectively.

How To Do Straight Leg Sit Ups?

Straight leg sit-ups are a variation of the traditional sit-up exercise that involves lying on your back, keeping your arms and legs straight, and lifting your torso up towards your thighs using your core muscles. Here’s how to perform straight leg sit-ups:

  1. Start by lying flat on your back on a mat or other comfortable surface. Extend your legs out straight in front of you, keeping them together and your toes pointed up towards the ceiling.

  2. Place your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest, whichever is more comfortable for you.

  3. Engage your core muscles and press your lower back into the floor to stabilize your spine.

  4. Slowly lift your upper body off the floor, leading with your chest towards your thighs. Keep your neck relaxed and avoid pulling on your head with your hands.

  5. Continue to engage your core as you lift yourself up as high as you can without straining your neck or lower back.

  6. Slowly lower your torso back down to the starting position with control, resisting the urge to flop back down.

  7. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

What Are Straight Leg Sit Ups Good For?

Straight leg sit-ups are good for targeting and strengthening the muscles in your core, particularly the rectus abdominis muscle (six-pack muscles) and the hip flexors. Here are some benefits of including straight leg sit-ups in your workout routine:

Core Strength

Straight leg sit-ups engage the deep muscles of your core, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. By consistently performing this exercise, you can strengthen these muscles, resulting in improved stability and balance.

Abdominal Definition

Working on the rectus abdominis muscles through straight leg sit-ups can help increase definition in your midsection. However, it’s important to note that spot on weight reduction (targeting fat loss from a specific area) is not possible, and a combination of a healthy diet and overall body exercises is crucial for achieving visible abs.

Hip Flexor Flexibility

Since straight leg sit-ups require keeping your legs straight, they also engage the hip flexor muscles. Regularly performing this exercise can help improve the flexibility and range of motion in your hip flexors.

Postural Support

A strong core is essential for maintaining good posture while sitting, and preventing lower back pain. Straight leg sit-ups strengthen the core muscles responsible for stabilizing your spine, which can lead to better posture and reduced risk of back issues.

Functional Fitness

Strengthening your core through straight leg sit-ups can improve your performance in various physical activities and sports. A strong core enhances your ability to perform movements such as twisting, bending, lifting, and running more effectively and efficiently for better exercise.

Remember to start with proper form and gradually increase the intensity of your straight leg sit-ups as your core strength improves. It’s always beneficial to consult with a fitness professional or trainer to ensure proper technique and to customize your workout routine based on your individual needs and goals.

Other Abs Workout

If you liked this exercise, you may also like our other ab-related exercises below:

Side Crunches

Vertical Leg Crunches


Straight leg sit-ups offer a challenging yet effective way to strengthen your core, improve stability, move tension, enhance posture, and increase functional fitness. By incorporating proper technique, gradually increasing intensity, and complementing with a holistic fitness regimen, individuals can reap the full benefits of this exercise for overall health and well-being. Consulting a fitness professional for personalized guidance can further optimize the results and tailor the workout routine to individual needs and goals.


There are a number of dangers with this exercise. The person works their hip flexors and abdominals by maintaining their legs straight. The lower back tends to hyperextend and the pelvis tilts forward when the hip flexors contract. And you can do this correctly by downloading JustFit.

According to a different study, the lower rectus abdominis (the muscle responsible for the “6-pack”) and hip flexors are used more during the bent-knee sit-up than they are during the straight-leg variation. The upper rectus abdominis was employed slightly more in the straight leg variation.

When performing an abdominal exercise known as a vertical leg crunch, you keep your legs vertical, or perpendicular to the floor, the entire time. One of the best bodyweight crunch exercises for developing a strong core is vertical leg crunches.