5000 Steps to miles

The average stride length is 2.5 feet, so 5000 steps would amount to about 2 miles. A typical man takes 5000 steps to walk 2.37 miles, and a typical woman takes 5000 steps to walk 2.08 miles.

Average steps to miles

5000 Steps to miles for walking

When walking, height and stride length affect the distance of steps. Generally speaking, 5000 steps are between 2.08-2.37 miles.

20000 Steps to miles

5000 Steps to miles for running

When running, height and speed affect the distance of the steps. Typically, running 20000 steps is between 10-15 miles.

20000 Steps to miles

How long does it take to do 5000 steps?

The number of steps you take in a given distance depends on how fast you walk. If you walk slowly, it will take longer to cover a given distance. However, if you walk faster, it will take less time to cover the same distance.

By measuring your height, speed and stride length, you can accurately estimate how long it will take you to walk 5000 steps.

For walking, let’s break it down:

  • Walking at 2.5 mph, it would take 1.1 hours to finish 5000 steps 
  • Walking at 3.5 mph, it would take 1 hours to finish 5000 steps
  • Walking at 3 mph, it would take 0.9 hours to finish 5000 steps
  • Walking at 4 mph, it would take 0.6 hours to finish 5000 steps

For running, let’s break it down:

  • If you run a 12-minute mile, it will take you 0.5 hours to reach 5000 steps
  • If you run a 10-minute mile, it will take you an hour and 15 minutes to reach 5000 steps
  • If you run an 8-minute mile, it will take you an hour and 13 minutes to reach 5000 steps
  • If you run a 6-minute mile, it will take you an hour and 11 minutes to reach 5000 steps

How many calories are burned while walking 5000 steps a day?

In order to walk 5000 steps in a day at a normal pace, it will take you between 0.5 and 1 hour. For most people, this will burn 150-250 calories.

Is 5000 steps a day good for weight loss?

A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that walking 10,000 steps a day can provide a great aerobic workout. This can help you lose weight. So if you want to lose weight, you can take more steps.

How many steps a day does the average adult take?

According to VeryWellFit, studies conducted in the US in 2010 and 2016 concluded that the average American adult takes between 5,000 and 7,000 steps a day.

How to walk more

Some people with time or fitness constraints may prefer to set a smaller goal at first, such as aiming to walk 3 miles every day. Although it’s a much shorter distance, you’ll still experience health benefits. For more on this, read how many steps per mile there are in 3 miles. Here are a few tips to help you walk more:

  • Set a goal: Consider how much you currently walk and set a goal to increase that amount. For example, you might aim to walk an extra 1,000 steps each day.
  • Make a plan: Decide when and where you will walk. You can incorporate walking into your daily routine by taking a walk after meals, during your lunch break, or before or after work.
  • Track your progress: Use a pedometer or a fitness tracker to track your steps and monitor your progress towards your goal.
  • Find a walking partner: Walking with a friend or family member can make the time pass more quickly and provide motivation to keep walking.
  • Vary your route: Mix things up by exploring new neighborhoods or walking trails. This can help keep you motivated and interested in walking.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: Invest in a good pair of walking shoes to ensure that you are comfortable while walking.