Calories in food

Learn about the calories and nutrition data behind your food. Discover the foods that fuel you so you can stay active throughout the day.

Popular Food Calories

Apple1 medium81 cal
Avocado1 small160 cal
Banana1 large121 cal
Egg1 large72 cal
Bread1 slice82 cal
Rice1 cup206 cal
Chicken Breast1 piece116 cal
Mcdonald's Pancakes1 oder580 cal

Fast Food Calories

Fast Food Calories

Fast food is high in calories and low in nutrition.

Pizzas Calories

One plain, regular pizza has 250 calories per slice.

Pizza (12 inch)1 slice285 cal
Cheese Pizza1 slice (63g)168 cal
Chicken Pizza1 slice (132g)309 cal
Pepperoni Pizza1 slice (71g)181 cal
White pizza (14 inch)1 slice 274 cal

Fruits Calories

Fruits Calories

Fast food is high in calories and low in nutrition.

Apple1 medium81 cal
Avocado1 small160 cal
Banana1 medium121 cal
Blueberries1 cup (148 g)62 cal
Watermelon1 wedge (286 g)86 cal
Kiwi1 large112 cal
Lemon1 small17 cal

vegetables Calories

vegetables Calories

Fast food is high in calories and low in nutrition.

Potato1 large164 cal
Broccoli1 bunch (608 g)207 cal
Celery1 stalk (40 g)6 cal
Peas1 cup (98 g)79 cal
Pumpkin1 small (196 g)51 cal
Tomato1 medium20 cal
Onion1 small34 cal

What is the healthiest fast food?

With a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to maintain a healthy diet. But there are plenty of options if you’re looking for healthier choices.

  • Arby’s Roast Chicken Entrée Salad (250 Calories)
  • McDonald’s Fruit & Maple Oatmeal (320 Calories)
  • Starbuck’s Tomato and Mozzarella Panini (380 Calories)
  • Tuna salad sub at Subway (450 calories)

What food is low in calories?

Low-calorie foods include water, tea, salad greens, broth, mushrooms, strawberries, vegetable soup, whole grain toast, eggs, cod.

Top 10 high calorie foods

Calories are mainly responsible for the growth of body muscles, which consequently increases your weight. Consuming heavy caloric foods may be harmful to those who are overweight or average weight. While people who want to gain weight should take proper nutritional foods.

Some of the high calorie foods are:

  • Animal Fats
  • Vegetable Fats
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Salad Dressing
  • Peanut Butter
  • Junk Foods
  • Chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Fried Foods
  • Processed Meats

How many calories in a steak?

When you compare equal-sized portions, the average steak will have 160 calories.

With a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to maintain a healthy diet. But there are plenty of options if you’re looking for healthier choices.

  • Arby’s Roast Chicken Entrée Salad (250 Calories)
  • McDonald’s Fruit & Maple Oatmeal (320 Calories)
  • Starbuck’s Tomato and Mozzarella Panini (380 Calories)
  • Tuna salad sub at Subway (450 calories)

Low-calorie foods include water, tea, salad greens, broth, mushrooms, strawberries, vegetable soup, whole grain toast, eggs, cod.

Calories are mainly responsible for the growth of body muscles, which consequently increases your weight. Consuming heavy caloric foods may be harmful to those who are overweight or average weight. While people who want to gain weight should take proper nutritional foods.

Some of the high calorie foods are:

  • Animal Fats
  • Vegetable Fats
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Salad Dressing
  • Peanut Butter
  • Junk Foods
  • Chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Fried Foods
  • Processed Meats

When you compare equal-sized portions, the average steak will have 160 calories.

How many calories should I eat a day?

The recommended daily calorie intake ranges from 1,600 to 3,200. Generally, it is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men. Use the calorie calculator to estimate the number of daily calories your body needs.
